RDCC will stand by Ukraine and its people during recent events.
In collaboration with our founding Members Asociatia Orasul Meu Culorile Mele and REDI, the Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce is kindly inviting you to join efforts in order to provide aid for the Ukrainian people who are entering Romania.
We have partnered up with MISHTO Association in the massive humanitarian aid given by the European civil society in raising donations for the refugees (our target is to provide help to around 5000 people). MISHTO Association representatives are at the Romanian borders as we speak, in order to assist the refugees as they come, providing food, hygiene kits, OTC medicines and clothes. Several of our Members and Partners already started to deliver in kind donations (food, water and necessities to the borders).
Right now, we are addressing the Members and Partners who can provide donations that are not in kind, as founds are a constant necessity these days. Around 400.000 refugees are now at the EU boarders, with 40.000 that have already entered Romania. The total numbers of Ukrainians that may leave their country in the following days can reach up to 4 million! As Romanian officials have declared, our country is ready to receive 500.000 refugees that will need support and assistance both from our government and from the civil society.
This is a humanitarian appeal to you. Every donation matters and it will be used to aid the ones who are running from the conflicts zones.
Please find below the options you have in order to donate:
Cont Ron: RO64INGB0000999910943590
CUI: 36809852
Details of payment: donatie refugiati
RDCC together with Asociatia Orasul Meu Culorile Mele will distribute the donations to MISHTO Association, who is present at Siret, Romania border where the main storage is in place. With your donations, we will cover transportation of refugees to shelters or to their relatives as they choose, clothes, food, accommodation, other products that couldn’t be donated by our Members and Partners and that must be bought and to refill the current stocks.
As we care about transparency, please find below the list with what we started providing to Siret, Romania crossing point where the main storage is in place, to cover aid for approximately 5000 Ukrainian refugees. Some products have already been donated in kind.
In advance we thank you for your implication, kindness and effort!