Top 10 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

Top 10 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

In this blog post, you will learn about the top 10 benefits of diversity in the workplace. Workplace diversity is not just an inclusion fad – it has tangible and direct benefits. Companies who have greater workplace diversity outperform their competitors and achieve higher profits!

What is diversity in the workplace?

Diversity in the workplacemeans that a company employs a wide range of diverse individuals.  

In other words, a diverse workforce includes people with different characteristics. 

Diversity in the workplace means that a company’s workforce includes people of varying gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, languages, education, abilities, etc. 

Workplace diversity – inclusion fad or a competitive advantage?

Diversity in the workplace was always one of the hottest topics in the HR industry, but in the recent few years, it has become a major goal for many companies. 

Workplace diversity is now something most companies strive to achieve. Why is that? Is it just about improving a company’s reputation and promoting inclusion at the workplace?

While your company’s reputation and workplace inclusion are definitely important goals worth pursuing, workplace diversity has many other immediate and tangible benefits related directly to your company’s bottom line.

Thus, workplace diversity is not just a politically correct fad – it is a serious competitive advantage. Companies with more diverse workplace outperform its competitors and achieve greater profits

What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace?

Here is the list of the top 10 benefits of diversity in the workplace:

Workplace diversity benefit #1: Variety of different perspectives

Diversity in the workplace ensures a variety of different perspectives

Since diversity in the workplace means that employees will have different characteristics and backgrounds, they are also more likely to have a variety of different skills and experiences.

Consequently, employees in a company with higher workplace diversity will have access to a variety of different perspectives, which is highly beneficial when it comes to planning and executing a business strategy. 

Workplace diversity benefit #2: Increased creativity

Diversity in the workplace leads to increased creativity.

People with different backgrounds tend to have different experiences and thus different perspectives. Exposure to a variety of different perspectives and views leads to higher creativity. 

When you put together people who see the same thing in different ways, you are more likely to get a melting pot of fresh, new ideas, thus improving the creativity of your workforce.

Workplace diversity benefit #3: Higher innovation

Diversity in the workplace leads to higher innovation rate.

According to Josh Bersin’s research, inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market. 

In a diverse workplace, employees are exposed to multiple perspectives and worldviews. When these various perspectives combine, they often come together in novel ways, opening doors to innovation

Workplace diversity benefit #4: Faster problem-solving

Companies with higher workplace diversity solve problems faster.

Harvard Business Review found diverse teams are able to solve problems faster than cognitively similar people.

Employees from diverse backgrounds have different experiences and views, which is why they are able to will bring diverse solutions to the table. Thus, the best solution can be chosen sooner, which leads to faster problem-solving. 

Workplace diversity benefit #5: Better decision making

Workplace diversity leads to better decision making results.

white paper from the online decision-making platform Cloverpop has found a direct link between workplace diversity and decision-making. Researchers found that when diverse teams made a business decision, they outperformed individual decision-makers up to 87% of the time. 

When employees with different backgrounds and perspectives come together, they come up with more solutions, which leads to the more informed and improved decision-making processes and results. 

Workplace diversity benefit #6: Increased profits

Companies with greater workplace diversity achieve greater profits. 

McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, conducted research that included 180 companies in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. They found out that companies with more diverse top teams were also top financial performers.

Companies with a diverse workforce make better decisions faster, which gives them a serious advantage over their competitors. As a result, companies with diversity in the workplace achieve better business results and reap more profit. 

Workplace diversity benefit #7: Higher employee engagement

Workplace diversity leads to higher employee engagement.

Deloitte conducted research that captured the views and experiences of 1,550 employees in three large Australian businesses operating in manufacturing, retail and healthcare. This research showed that engagement is an outcome of diversity and inclusion.

The link between workplace diversity and employee engagement is pretty straightforward – when employees feel included, they are more engaged

Workplace diversity benefit #8: Reduced employee turnover

Workplace diversity is beneficial for employee retention.

Companies with a diverse workforce are generally more inclusive of different individual characteristics and perspectives. 

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace cause all employees to feel accepted and valued. When employees feel accepted and valued, they are also happier in their workplace and stay longer with a company. As a result, companies with greater diversity in the workplace have lower turnover rates.

Workplace diversity benefit #9: Better company reputation

Workplace diversity boosts the company’s reputation and brand. 

Companies that are dedicated to building and promoting diversity in the workplace are seen as good, more human and socially responsible organizations.

Workplace diversity also makes your company look more interesting. Finally, if you present a diverse workforce, you will make it easier for many different people to relate to your company and your brand, opening doors to new markets, customers and business partners.

Workplace diversity benefit #10: Improved hiring results

Workplace diversity leads to better hiring results.

Diversity in the workplace boosts a company’s employer brand and presents a company as a more desirable place to work. Workplace diversity is an especially beneficial asset for attracting top talent from diverse talent pools.

According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor67% of job seekers said a diverse workforce is important when considering job offers.

Credit: Anja Zojceska